Passing on your wealth

Sharing your wealth with the next generation.

Sharing your wealth in line with your wishes

Generational wealth transfer is the passing of assets from one family generation to another. This type of wealth can support long-term financial stability for families, and it is important that you transfer your wealth in line with your wishes.

Parents often want their children to understand the value of wealth, and for it to be used and managed in a way which will benefit their future. Planning ahead can help an inheritance to provide security for your children and grandchildren’s financial future.

By providing guidance at every step, we can help to ensure your wealth is provided in the way you wish and with the understanding and reassurance that your loved ones deserve.

Finding the right services for you

We provide tax-efficient investment solutions, reducing exposure to Capital Gains Tax (CGT). Our experienced team also work with third parties to provide appropriate succession planning when it comes to leaving your legacy. 
Our trained investment managers may discuss your personal circumstances or health concerns, to ensure we fully support your needs. We are also able to work with a third party power of attorney if required, to support with financial decisions in the future.

Finding the right services for you

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Speak to one of our investment managers to discuss your retirement solutions.

Contact us
  • EFG Harris Allday
    33 Great Charles Street - Birmingham B3 3JN
  • 0121 233 1222

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